"Scromiting" is a portmanteau of "screaming" and "vomiting" coined by "Doctor" Eve Simmons on Twitter. She claims This phenomenon occurs when a person smokes high potency cannabis and then it continues for weeks on end. She also claims that their is no cure.
(original twitter thread pictured below)It's important to note that not only does Mrs.Simmons not mention the hospital or even doctor who supposedly told her about patients "scromiting" but she also doesn't further extrapolate on when exactly this happened or how many people were affected. Sure, many would take this as a woman (Who I'll remind you, is a doctor.) just venting about some inconveniences in her downtime but that's the problem. Her source is actually just "Dude trust me, I'm a doctor" with no further input. It's callous politically motivated people like her that make disinformation a serious problem online.
Another important note is that after this thread despite claiming this is a very serious issue and it "has no cure" she just moves on and never mentions scromiting ever again. It's almost like... It's not a serious issue because she forgot she made it up in the first place. XD
I'll be very blunt: I smoke weed for prescribed medicinal purposes.
This won't be a surprise to anyone who's read my bluesky bio or seen my pronouns page but I have Multiple Sclerosis and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Without getting too into the weeds about it, I can definetly confirm from my own experiences it's one of the few things that's helped me maintain my cognitive wellbeing and even helped me with issues related to brainfog. Granted, I'm more of a Sativa person and I get my stuff from a doctor so you definetly should see a professional and not rely on my testimony.
Unlike Eve Simmons, I don't just expect you to take my word on that. Here's some resources:
Admittedly I think it's because the lovely lady who explained it to me was already shitposting with the term but honestly? I think the real motivator for me to shitpost about scromiting is because it's an action that highlights how ridiculous and just plain stupid the concept is. I also don't want anyone to take Miss Simmons seriously beause in making up this story she has forfited any respect the title "Doctor" should carry socially.
I made this page along with the scromit feed to introduce more people to this funny made up word and it genuinely makes me happy every single time because it's like we're a community of shitposters dunking on a stupid bitch in a position of power that she's proven she doesn't deserve anymore.
Jizzing myself and scromiting while singing Mary Had a Little Lamb because my Neuralink got a buffer overflow
— Golden Goddess of Dabs Dabi ( January 12, 2025 at 12:17 AM
you have no idea how badly i wish i could learn to scromit
— matsu 1/2 🔞 ( January 15, 2025 at 12:04 AM
Remember scromiting? Yeah that’s just what life is like now
— ( January 23, 2025 at 6:36 AM